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Cfore is a multidisciplinary research organisation. It specializes in performance appraisal of educational institutions,election surveys, market research and opinion polls.

Cfore School Survey 2025:  Click Here || Cfore perception survey 2025: Click Here


    Research organization C fore conducted the survey to rank top schools in India. Schools were assessed separately under 16 different categories i.e. Day Co-ed, Day cum boarding, Day girls, Day boys, Residential Co-ed, Residential boys, Residential girls, International day, International day cum boarding and International residential schools, Government/Defence services day, Govt./defence services residential, Best emerging (International Schools), Best emerging (Indian curriculum) schools, Special need schools and Philanthropy schools.

    The perceptual survey was conducted in 92 cities/towns from March to July 2024. The sample consisted of parents belonging to SEC (Socio Economic category) A, teachers, principals, educationists and students of 10th, 11th and 12th of various schools. In all 41,257 persons were interviewed. Every respondent was shown the list of pre-selected list of schools in different regions. They were then asked to rate the schools that they were aware of on ten-point scale against 14 parameters (listed below). The weightage given to each parameter was based on a preliminary survey among stakeholders. For evaluating best emerging schools, placement/alumni parameter was not used. Similarly, a smaller number of parameters were used to assess special needs and philanthropy schools. Schools that were assessed by less than 25 respondents were not considered for ranking. The aggregate average rating that each school got was computed and used for ranking schools.

Assessment Parameters :-

Teacher Competence and Relationship:

    This parameter evaluates the qualifications, training, and pedagogical knowledge of the teachers. It also includes how well teachers understand child development principles and how effectively they create a nurturing, supportive, and loving environment for students. Additionally, it measures the teacher's ability to build trust and positive relationships with students, ensuring that each child feels safe, valued, and motivated to learn. This parameter also considers the school’s efforts in providing ongoing professional development and emotional support for teachers

Pedagogy and Relevant Curriculum:

    This parameter examines the effectiveness of the curriculum and pedagogical approaches in fostering student development, particularly focusing on creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. This also includes proactiveness of school in updating the curriculum to make it relevant to changing times and adopting new techniques of teaching like collaborative learning, inter disciplinary learning, experiential learning, integration of artificial intelligence etc. to make dissemination of knowledge student friendly.


    This parameter evaluates the school leadership’s vision, philosophy, integrity and capacity to create a child-centred learning environment. It assesses how well the leadership supports the school's pedagogical systems, the quality of teacher support, and how discipline and routines are maintained in a positive, developmentally appropriate manner. It also considers how the school promotes a culture of kindness, inclusivity, and community building among staff, students, and families.

Teacher Care and growth Environment:

    This parameter assesses the school’s efforts to support the professional and personal growth of its teachers. It includes teacher wellness programs, professional development opportunities, fair and competitive compensation and opportunities for collaboration and exchange programs. The school’s focus on creating a positive work culture, encouraging teacher creativity, and providing emotional and professional support is essential in this evaluation.

Personalised Education:

    This parameter examines how well the school customizes education to suit each child’s unique learning pace, interests, and developmental needs. It includes strategies for individual and small group instruction, continuous assessment, and support for children with diverse learning styles and needs. It also assesses the teacher-student ratio, number of students in a section of class and how closely the school monitors each child’s growth in cognitive, social, and emotional domains.

Academic Rigour:

    This parameter includes proactiveness of the school to ensure conceptual clarity for students and robustness of the evaluation methodology for all subjects. This also includes the board results.


    This parameter includes the efforts put in by school to encourage every student’s participation in various sports, the competence of sport teachers, the facilities available and number of recognized awards at state and national level won by students.

Co-curricular Activities:

    This parameter includes proactiveness of the school in promoting every student’s participation in theatre, arts, music etc. It also includes number of recognized awards at state and national level won by students.

Parent's Participation and Education:

    This parameter evaluates the school’s ability to build strong partnerships with parents. It assesses the school's efforts in engaging parents in their child’s learning journey through regular communication, workshops/lectures on good parenting and opportunities for collaboration. It also measures how transparent the school is regarding policies, how often it updates parents on their child’s progress, and how receptive the school is to parent feedback and involvement.

Infrastructure & Facilities:

    This parameter assesses the quality, safety, and maintenance of the school’s physical infrastructure, including classrooms, playgrounds, and learning materials .This includes the campus area, the school building, facilities available like IT enabled classrooms, smart boards, white boards, number of books in the library, auditorium, science labs, STEAM/STEM lab, Makers Space etc

Return on Investment (ROI)/Money's worth:

    This parameter evaluates the fees charged by the school in relation to the quality of education and care provided. It considers whether the facilities, curriculum, teacher quality, placements and overall school experience justify the cost. This parameter also considers how the school ensures access to enriching learning experiences (e.g., field trips, extracurricular activities) as part of the school program.

Life Skills/Social Intelligence:

    This parameter assesses how well the school integrates social-emotional learning and life skills into the curriculum. It examines how children are taught to manage their emotions, interact with peers, resolve conflicts, and develop empathy and self-regulation. It also looks at how teachers are trained to support emotional intelligence and whether the school creates a nurturing environment that promotes mental and emotional well-being. It assesses whether the school provides mental health resources (e.g., child psychologists or counsellors), how it deals with behavioural issues, and the overall culture of emotional safety for children.

Social Engagement/inclusivity:

    This parameter evaluates how well the school fosters an environment that embraces diversity and inclusivity. It assesses the school’s policies on inclusion for children with special needs, how it supports children from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, and how well it integrates the values of respect, kindness, and fairness in the school community.
    This parameter also includes the school's connect with community and service; the proactiveness of the school in engaging with underprivileged sections of society.

Hostel Facilities and Pastoral Care:

    This parameter includes management of boarding facilities and supports system offered to boarders.


    This parameter includes the efforts put in by the school to ensure good placements for its graduating batch; the actual number of admissions the students get in various reputed colleges/universities in India and abroad. This parameter also includes achievements of alumni and their overall personality. For new schools this parameter should be read as preparation for placements, the networking with good universities, soft skills imparted and career counselling facilities.

Teacher Competence & Relationship 150
Pedagogy & Relevant Curriculum 150
Leadership/Governance 125
Teacher Care and growth Environment 100
Personalised Education 100
Academic Rigour 100
Sports 100
Co-curricular Activities 100
Infrastructure 100
Life Skills/Social Intelligence 100
Placements/Alumni 100
Parents Involvement & Education 75
ROI/Money's worth 75
Social Engagement/inclusivity 75
Hostel Facilities & Pastoral care 75